We are a growing team of professional, reliable, and talented “Media Pros” that represent our brand to our customers and achieve high-quality results in the media we capture. The position has flexible hours and the opportunity to increase your photography and media experience. Media Pros can capture...
Ocala, FL Ocala, FL Contract Contract $44 an hour $44 an hour 9 hours ago 9 hours ago 9 hours ago For this freelance job, you are taking several photos of a billboard. Instructions can be found on our website. Some photography experience is necessary... Please register for free at www. fotofetch....
(Approx 1 hour of time per location). If you are a freelancer, you can now apply to join PhotoSesh totally free. You can register right through the app. APPLY NOW FOR FREE TO BE AHEAD OF THE WAIT LIST:If you're one of the earlier photographers on our platform, you'll obviously take precedence over t...
Access a database with thousands of jobs. Postings are reviewed by hand to ensure quality and relevancy.