This is it! The best Craigslist opportunity that you will find on this app! **IF INTERESTED, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR Workking well with others is a must Run criminal and credit reports and Verify employment and rental references Perform all leasing duties for assigned properties, place marketing signage, and advertise in internet listing services Engage existing landlords in discussions and negotiations of lease Collect Google Copany Reviews After Move in From Landlords and Tenants Draft leasing forms Qualifications of Our Leasing Agents: Must be licensed as a Real Estate Associate in the state of Florida Must have your own transportation Must have persuasive communication, marketing, and sales skills, your own computer and working telephone for calls and texts. This is a given, but you also need to have a positive outlook, be a kind person and love helping others Must be available on call at varying hours for tenant/landlord inquiries as well as to schedule appointments.
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