June 2, 2024

Curatorial Assistant Photography. MoMA, New York.

Callforcurators NEW YORK, New York

Assists the departments senior curatorial staff in all areas of their responsibilities including administrative work in the context of curatorial functions such as acquisitions, collections records, bibliographic and biographical records and files, research for exhibitions and publications, departmental committees, loans, and general curatorial inquiries. Performs work in relation to care of the... collection and arranges for custodial, registration, and preparation work as required by the curatorial staff in the maintenance of the collection in gallery, study, and storage areas. Assists in arranging loans, in catalogue preparation, in the preparation of checklists from compilation to data entry, in coordinating and scheduling work to be done within the Museum and without in such areas as conservation, photography, public information, matting and framing, construction, and lighting. Conducts daily inspection of the works on view in temporary exhibitions and assists with necessary follow-up arrangements. High level of enthusiasm to work with a curatorial team.

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