Feb. 24, 2024

In-house Photographer

Trend Notes Lake Forest, California

Imagery will be utilized for a variety of channels including but not limited to the website, catalogs, direct mail and our social media sites - Working with the Marketing and Sales Departments, create a consistent visual style that - Keep the photography organized on the server in the correct folder structure, with proper naming conventions. - Analyze current photo styles and try to apply unique photo styles from Korea - Work closely with other photographers to find better ways to build up styles for trend notes - Best outputs and qualities through re-touching and Photoshop techniques - Develop various postures customized to models and build good relationships to get the best performance and quality After the adjusting phase, try to set up new photo styles for trend notes - Keep searching for new models to refresh the overall atmosphere according to upcoming seasons - Advise make-up directions to get perfect photos - Advise new side items to present styles well

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