Nov. 12, 2019

Multimedia/Photojournalism Adjunct Assistant Professor

Confidential Redding, Connecticut

The Los Rios Community College District is seeking a pool of qualified applicants for possible temporary part-time faculty teaching assignments. Adjunct pools are open continuously and applicants are contacted/hired year round for assignments based on college needs. The adjunct faculty member shall be responsible for the following: teaching assigned classes under the supervision of the area dean; helping students fulfill their maximum potential in mastering course content; assessing student learning outcomes; maintaining a thorough and up-to-date knowledge in his/her regular teaching field; continuing professional development; utilizing current technology in the performance of job duties; maintaining standards of professional conduct and ethics appropriate to the professional position; assisting with articulation and curriculum development and review; serving on college committees and participating in faculty governance including accreditation and student co-curricular activities; assuming other responsibilities as assigned by the area dean; fulfilling other duties and responsibilities of an adjunct faculty member as outlined in the college faculty handbook. • Teaching assigned classes under the supervision of the division dean. • Maintaining standards of professional conduct and ethics appropriate to the professional position.

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