科班摄影专业优先,会说中文优先,有微信优先,收人民币优先,时间自由优先,距离纽约时代广场曼哈顿广场近距离优先,愿意为我司保管设备优先。 长年招聘兼职摄影师、出镜主持人、主持人助理,真诚,乐此不疲。 Priority is given to candidates with a photography major, those who can speak Chinese, those who have WeChat, those who accept RMB, those who have flexible time, those who are close to Times Square and Manhattan Plaza in New York, and those who are willing to keep equipment for our company. We are recruiting part-time photographers, on-camera hosts, and host assistants all year round. We are sincere and never tired of it.
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