July 4, 2024


Creative Associates International chevy chase, Maryland

Among the essential qualifications for this agreement: • At least five (5) years of professional experience in photography and/or videography as your primary occupation. • Demonstrate and provide links to at least five (5) professional-quality videos produced for clients. Estimated period of performance: July 19, 2024, to Dec. 31, 2025 • Provide a complete list of all photographic and video equipment that will be used during an assignment • Identify and inform HQ Communications of any equipment limitations or requirements in a timely fashion • Field work video and/or photography • Total days in the field to be determined • Travel with team to locations • Work under the direction of HQ Communications and field program staff • Assist in identifying the best locations for on-camera interviews, based on time, program relevance, cultural sensitivity, and other factors • Set up all equipment for each interview, including lighting, sound, and camera • Take photos and/or video suitable for print, online and other formats of activities, partners, beneficiaries, and others deemed necessary to tell the stories • Record video (interviews and b-roll) and/or take photographs of activities, partners, beneficiaries, and others deemed necessary to tell the stories • Participate in scheduled meetings and impromptu discussions that would assist in better describing the stories • Review daily all work with HQ Communications and field staff • Log video each day using Creative’s log format (Word document) • Write captions daily that include Creative-approved tags • Edit photos daily to eliminate duplicates and/or images that are not needed • Postproduction • Video editing services will be sourced separately from this RFQ • If required, continue the photo editing process, as well as inserting captions and tags • If required, continue to log videos • If required, transmit remaining deliverables through WeTransfer or a similar service • Demonstrate and provide links to at least five (5) professional-quality videos produced for clients.

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