June 14, 2022

Photography Assistant for Fine Art Photographer

Confidential Stockton, California

Expert command of the following is a necessity: • Mac OS X Monterey, Mojave • Adobe Photoshop CS6 and CC, including adjusting image color and tonality using curves, color balancing, sharpening, etc. Duties and responsibilities: work with photographer and first assistant in these arenas: • Digital photo editing and retouching, etc: dusting, color balancing, sharpening and other image editing tasks. • Print production: Command of digital pigment printing technology, including ability to manage production of outsourced digital c prints. Manage requests for bio, essays, and press images. • Inventory: maintain inventory of prints; update database and galleries; order studio and digital supplies • Fed-Ex, shipping, and mail: handle packing and shipping requests Workflow: create 3-month plans to manage requests and project demands • Organization: Maintain storage, print inventory database, BackBlaze back-up.

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